Vega dinner

Vega Dinner
Vegetarian curry with root from the Good Food Book

Vega dinner

You have good (cook) books, you better book, and you have the cookbook. In the latter category covers the Good Food Book; good in all senses of the word. This cookbook contains not only 50 first-rate special recipes from various chefs and foodies (Jonnie Boer, Robert Kranenborg, Yvette van Boven, Ron Blaauw to Herman den Blijker), but also contributes further to a better world. Not because there is a book sold a measly euros will go to a charity or something, but because the entire net proceeds of the sale of the Good Food Book goes to the global action "Zero Hunger! 'World Food Programme (WFP) , part of the United Nations. In short, Good Food Book sold for every 40 children in Malawi nutritious school meal. It might sound like small beer, but that school meal ensures that parents send their children to school instead of letting them work. Look, and that makes for structural improvement.

This recipe, created by chef Dick Middelweerd is enough for four people as evening meal. The Good Food Book costs € 14.95 and is available everywhere (this is the 2nd edition), and include ordering at

Carrot 400 grams
2 centimeters ginger, finely chopped
1 lemongrass stalk, finely chopped
1 red pepper pieces
Lime 1 piece
Lime juice 1-2 tablespoons (or more to taste)
Coconut milk 1 liter
Coriander to taste
Cane sugar 1 tablespoon
Cut the roots (in first peel!) Into cubes of about 2 by 2 centimeters. Fry them gently in a pan in a little oil, about 5 minutes.

Add the ginger, cumin and lemon to the pan. Cut the pepper in half lengthwise and remove the seeds list out. Cut the pepper into small rings and also add to the pan.

Peel the lemon, cut the slices into pieces and also add to the pan.

Then add the cane sugar, a pinch of salt and the lime juice.

Pour the coconut milk last until the roots are below. Preheat be done to the roots and the curry is hot.

Serve with brown rice and some freshly chopped cilantro. Bon appetit!

Tip: If you curry let stand overnight, the next day even better. Really; the flavors of the individual ingredients attract still more in the coconut milk and make the dish even more intense flavor.

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